Who Pays the Attorney Fees and Costs Under the California Lemon Law?

Lemon law cases are one of the most frustrating to deal with for consumers. Not only does having a “lemon” mean spending thousands on repair costs and out-of-pocket expenses, like towing and ridesharing options, but it also means wasting precious time settling a case in court. Fortunately, there is one thing that people undergoing a California lemon law claim do not have to worry about, and that is attorneys fees.
If you are currently seeking help from a California lemon law attorney, it is good to know that this is essentially free in California. That is because California’s lemon law will protect your rights if you have been sold a defective vehicle and can also help cover attorneys’ fees. Under this lemon law, you will not need to pay any out-of-pocket fees for your lawyer. Instead, the car manufacturer is expected to cover all attorney fees associated with your case.
To learn more about covering costs and why hiring a lawyer is the best option, read below.
Is It Required To Have a Lawyer?
The short answer is no. You do have the option of finding one of California’s Arbitration Certification Programs (ACP) to help settle your case. This voluntary arbitration program allows customers and manufacturers to settle their cases out of court with a third-party mediator. This mediator will ensure all California laws are followed when manufacturers issue a settlement. However, for some people, there might be better solutions than using an arbitration program.
Why Hire a California Lemon Law Attorney?
Unfortunately, some car manufacturers might use different tactics to avoid paying lemon law fees. Some examples of this include:
- Stating you or some prior action you did to your vehicle caused the vehicle to be defective
- Putting the blame on another manufacturer (such as for defective parts)
- Dragging their feet to pay your settlement in hopes of you dropping your case
- Minimizing or disputing reimbursement of other out-of-pocket expenses like towing costs, ridesharing options, lost time at work, etc.
- Trying to accuse you of not falling under the California lemon law criteria
All of these tactics might lead you to drop your case or make it so that your settlement takes quite a long time to come to fruition. Fortunately, hiring a lemon law lawyer Los Angeles can be a great way to get the settlement you deserve in a timely manner. Your lawyer will prevent any legal hiccups from happening along the way, such as lost or misfiled paperwork.
Your lawyer will also offer a free consultation and work on a contingency basis, meaning they will not expect to get paid until after you win your settlement. This incentive ensures you get the maximum settlement possible. An experienced attorney will ensure you get reimbursed for all your expenses, including things California’s lemon law might not cover. For instance, if you paid for your vehicle to be modified to fit your disability, your lawyer might be able to help you get a bigger settlement for modifications, add-ons, new stereo systems, and more.
Kaloustian Law Group believes everyone should have access to high-quality legal representation so they can get the best settlement possible. We are experienced in lemon law cases and can provide you with a lemon law attorney for your case. With our help, you can rest assured all of your out-of-pocket expenses will be taken into account, you can get a fair settlement, and you can do it all without spending a single dime of your own money. Call today for a free consultation!